Globetrotter 8

Skills: Installations / interactive

The sound installation Globetrotter 8 was created as a collaboration with the painter Denisa Slavkovská. It consists of 8 planet-like objects representing 8 Slovak regions. Each object includes an audio recording of the physical laws read by people from that region in a local accent. The laws of physics as universally applicable rules represent the same givens in which man develops. But the surroundings, the social class, etc. influence us as a unique circumstances, different from each others. The accent influenced by the region a person comes from or currently lives in, or influenced by a subculture to which the person belongs, is a symbol of these unique characteristics that shape each individual into a unique being.

place: DOM-contemporary art expedition, Pisztory palace, Bratislava
year: 2021
foto: Matúš Kuchta, Marcel Korec